Sunday 28 June 2015

AFTRS and after Sandra Levy (7) That moment has indeed arrived

Well that moment has arrived. Sandra Levy's name and job description are no longer on the AFTRS website. It has also been updated to note Ben Gibson's current status. 

The website makes no reference at all to a CEO or the pending appointment of such a person. This is all most interesting and I still dont know why the media, the School Council, the staff or even curious observers amongst the meretricious players who bobble round in the film industry have not raised the slightest public cackle at what is nearing, on George Brandis's part, incompetence of a significant order.  For goodness sake this is a major educational institution that costs the taxpayer $25m a year allegedly to produce serious film directors. 

You can check out how its being divulged currently by clicking on the link at the end of this para. AFTRS, it seems is being run by the Head of Corporate Affairs it would appear. There's no mention at all of a CEO not even as a vacant position.  Spinelessness abounds. Dont start me..... AFTRS Staff as at 9.43 pm on 28 June 2015

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