Friday 24 May 2019

Australian Independent Cinema - Mike Retter introduces DRY WINTER (Kyle Davis, 2019)

Dry Winter
Editor’s Note: Adelaide-based film-maker Mike Retter is a tireless promotor of genuine Australian independent cinema. Here he introduces a new low-budget feature made in his home town. Mike writes:

Sometimes the best things come out of a sense of crisis. Crisis forces change. When in Adelaide recently, the most prestigious university film degree had no honours applications, Flinders took the radical decision to produce feature films during honours year to entice new interest. The first round of completed feature projects has already spawned an excellent art-film called Dry Winter ... A collaboration between Flinders honours students and some young residents of the regional South Australian town of Cowell. It stands as one of the most promising Adelaidian cinematic works for several years, stylistically harkening back to Kriv Stenders’ Boxing Day and striking the tone of Justin Kurzel's Snowtown

To read the full interview between Mike Retter and the "creative gang-of-four behind the film" you will need to click here

This was first posted on the indefatigable Bill Mousoulis’s website Pure Shit Australian Cinema  a website devoted to alternative Australian cinema. The film-makers have just started on the round of offering the film to film festivals in Australia and presumably abroad. 
Dry Winter

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