Pier Paolo Pasolini |
A note to let you know that the Cinema Reborn team remains very active and are already working on the assembly of our 2023 program. There is a little more about that below.In the meantime there are more details to hand of the full panoply of events around the forthcoming season of nine films to celebrate the centenary of the Italian master Pier Paolo Pasolini. The season is presented by the Ritz Cinema Randwick with the support of The Italian Institute of Culture, FARE Cinema and Cinema Reborn. It will be screening weekly each Sunday at 4.00 pm from October 16. Announcements have already been made of the speakers who will introduce the films and you can check out the details IF YOU CLICK HERE. Big thanks to Co-Convenors of all these activities Jane Mills and Angelica Waite and to the others who will also be speaking before each of the films - Jessica Ellicott, Giorgia Alù, Bruce Isaacs, Nicky Hannan, James Vaughan, Janice Tong and Catharine Lumby.
The final film in the series Salo Or the 120 Days of Sodom screens on Sunday 11 December and following the screening at approximately 6.15 in the Mezzanine lounge of the Ritz will be the launch of Writing on Burning Paper, a beautiful celebration of the life and work of Pasolini. published by Fireflies Press.This book brings together a collection of written and visual contributions from a host of contemporary filmmakers as well as a new translation of Pasolini's poem Poet of Ashes. All are welcome to attend. Copies of the book will be on sale.
To further discuss Pasolini's work, the Italian Institute of Culture is hosting a Roundtable on Friday 4 November at 6.00pm. Open to all. More details once the speakers are finalised.
In the meantime if you need any further encouragement to explore Pasolini's work here's the text from a leaflet you can pick up at the Ritz which contains all the screening details. Or you can head to the Ritz website to book tickets IF YOU CLICK HERE:
“Indisputably the most remarkable figure to have emerged in Italian arts and letters since the Second World War” Susan Sontag.
Pier Paolo Pasolini would have turned 100 in 2022. But he was cruelly, violently, taken away almost half a century ago at the age of 53. Another gay man bashed to death.
…and for those of us condemned to see Italy as outsiders and further condemned to read and speak only English it is almost impossible to comprehend Pasolini’s extraordinary outpouring of poetry, fiction, essays (including on the theory of cinema), scriptwriting, theatre, journalism and political engagement that constituted his life in total.
We are left almost entirely with his film work. Some early scripts for Federico Fellini, Mauro Bolognini, Bernardo Bertolucci and others were followed by Pasolini’s own – twelve features, five short films and eight documentaries.
The selection for this tribute to the man covers the films from his first controversial depiction of Roman low life to his final ultra-controversial portrait of Italian fascist decadence, a nine film cross section.
Many things stand out…
Pasolini’s career as a director took place during what may well be the finest decade and a half of Italian cinema – the era of the greatest films by Fellini, Antonioni, Bertolucci, Bellocchio, Visconti, Leone, Ferreri, Rosi and the Taviani Brothers to name a handful. Pasolini was a key figure. They were served by some great producers of the day – Goffredo Lombardo, Alfredo Bini, Alberto Grimaldi. The Italian cinema was a frenetic hotbed of wild activity and total inspiration.
Pasolini was completely unafraid of confronting the most powerful institutions of the day, both left and right. He argued with, debated with and often took very contrary views with the Communist Party, the Catholic Church, the Christian Democrats, the student protests of 1968, modern consumerism and above all the Italian bourgeoisie.
Pasolini’s films lead us into his life and his work. This season focuses on just some skeleton keys to his early years, his sexual life, the scandals, the friendships with the famous… and the personal catastrophes.
Cinema Reborn - The Catalogues
A number of queries have been received regarding the availability of the Cinema Reborn printed catalogues . There are no more copies available for sale so we have taken the step of uploading the printer's proof documents onto a site where it can be read or downloaded to your computer. All you need to do is click on this link and read or download to heart's content. To get the 2022 edition (Alain Delon) JUST CLICK HERE To get the 2021 edition (Claudia Cardinale) JUST CLICK HERE. To get the 2019 edition (David Niven & Kim Hunter) JUST CLICK HERE
Dates for Cinema Reborn 2023
We'll be screening for five days from 26-30 April and depending on interest there may be additional follow over screenings during the daytime on Monday 1 May and Tuesday 2 May. We expect to screen between 13 and 15 films and we're pleased to say that the first two confirmations have already been received. More are on the way. Trawling through the dozens of restorations now being done each year and featuring in specially curated sections at all the major film festivals and events like Lyons' Cinema Lumiere and Bologna's Il Cinema Ritrovato is a pleasure but with much agony at what doesn't make the selection. More later.
Cinema Reborn - Charitable Donations
Cinema Reborn is an organisation devoted exclusively to exploring the Cinema's heritage. It is managed and organised by a group of dedicated film professionals here working solely on a voluntary basis to assemble an annual selection of cinema classics from around the world.
The costs of assembling and presenting Cinema Reborn, notwithstanding the hundreds of hours freely donated by Committee Members, volunteers, writers and presenters, are such that box office revenue cannot cover the cost of acquisition of titles, freight and logistics, venue hire, additional professional support from projectionists and staff, and the production of supporting print and online material. Cinema Reborn has relied, since its inception, on the generosity of donors who support our aims and are committed to the annual project of bringing cinema classics back to a big screen in perfect new digital copies. Without such support the event could not be presented.
Each year we set up a page on the Australian Charitable Fund website which allows our supporters to make tax deductible donations to support our work. The page for 2023 has just gone live and if at any time you are minded to make a donation, no matter how large or small dont hesitate. The total amount of any donation is passed to Cinema Reborn. The page will remain open until the Cinema Reborn 2023 closes on 30 April. JUST CLICK HERE
Donors who choose to allow their name to be used publicly will be listed in the printed catalogue and on the Cinema Reborn website.
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