Monday 17 August 2015

AFTRS gets in touch

My goodness. Who would have thought. This email was received today shortly after Film Alert 21 for 2015 was despatched: (For deep background on this intriguing matter you can go to an earlier and quite popular post on this blog here)  
Good afternoon Geoff

 It seems that this email that was sent to you on August 11, in response to your request to the general info email address lost its way and didn't make it to your inbox.

It was brought to my attention by a colleague this afternoon that you would very much like a response so please find the email trail so we can start the conversation about what we can do to assist and my apologies that it didn't get to you on the day it was intended to.

Best and kind regards, Carolina

 The alumni team at AFTRS

The email trail referred to is apparently this response which was appended below the reply above in blue.

Hello Geoff happy to, it is a substantial list that we are in the process of making live on our website at the moment

We can give you credits we have collated from 1973 to mid-2012  however we have a bit of catch up to do and cross checking for the years  mid-2012 to now. 

 I will come back to you soon

 Best,  Carolina

The alumni team at AFTRS

So, the story is that AFTRS hasn't kept proper records to enable us to know which of its graduates since 2012 have gone on to make a feature film. Somebody is doing something about getting those records in order as we speak.  The question went to whether AFTRS has dropped the ball over the last decade or so and stopped producing film-makers who have gone on to make feature films, the cutting edge, the front line, the creme de la creme of film-making, the movies that get to Cannes, Venice and Berlin and win AFI Awards. We're still on the case.

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