A film to take you back to 1959 when the New Wave told us what it was like to be young and carefree and worried about love. In order, JULES AND JIM, LES COUSINS, SHOOT THE PIANIST, ADIEU PHILIPPINE, LOLA and those early little comedies by Philippe De Broca which we confused for New Wave movies.
Three stories which may or may not have been shot with the idea of turning them into a feature. The five young women in the three stories are all drop dead gorgeous, the young men mostly so though you would never say the lead in the second story Serge Renko was an oil painting. He plays opposite Aurore Rauscher and the only question remaining after viewing this one is "Whatever happened to Aurore Rauscher?" Luminosity leaps from the screen, an aura of future stardom emerges. Yet IMDb says this was her only film
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Aurore Rauscher |
Among the least known of Rohmer's films, the Blu-ray transfer is superb and the film a gem which literally transports you back 36 years to the days when the French cinema briefly liberated itself from the studio and the literary.
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