Our biggest ever selection of restored classic cinema is now revealed on the Cinema Reborn website. All sessions for our Sydney and Melbourne seasons are set out with short notes on all of the films. The selection ranges from the 1920s with the newly-restored silent masterpiece STELLA DALLAS to the 1990s. We have four programs of films by Australian directors and another superb selection of Hollywood classics, European award-winners and some remarkable works from the Philippines, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Lebanon. To explore the whole program head for our website at
There are links on each page enabling you to book at the Ritz and the Lido.
If you were one of those who ordered an advance copy our 24 page program booklet you may already know just what you want to see and when. If so you can head straight to the Ritz and Lido websites and start booking now. Members of the Ritz and Lido Movie Clubs receive concessions at all sessions.
Cinema Reborn offers student concession tickets of $15 for all sessions except for THE SACRIFICE.
For the Ritz
For the Lido
If you would like a digital Pdf copy of the program booklet emailed to you just send an email to
Leading up to Cinema Reborn 2025 we are delighted to announce a collaboration with Ritz, Lido and Classic Cinemas in presenting a complete retrospective of the feature films of master filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky. These will be the first ever screenings in Australia to be devoted to a full career review of this master filmmaker. Tarkovsky’s work was previously at Cinema Reborn in 2022 when his masterpiece Mirror was presented in a superb 4K restoration.
The retrospective will begin at the Ritz Cinemas in Sydney on March 20 and Lido and Classic Cinemas in Melbourne on March 27, where Tarkovsky’s debut feature Ivan’s Childhood will be screened at 7pm on those dates. In Sydney there will be an introduction to the season at the Ivan’s Childhood screening by Sydney University film studies scholar Matilda Mroz and the main screening of The Sacrifice during the Cinema Reborn 2025 season will be preceded by an introduction by actor, educator and film-maker Richard James Allen. In Melbourne, critics Grace Boschetti (Ivan’s Childhood) and David Heslin (The Sacrifice) will introduce those sessions at the Hawthorn Lido. The Sacrifice will be a part of the 2025 Cinema Reborn season at the Ritz on Thursday 1 May and at Lido on Thursday 8 May, and will also screen at Classic Cinemas, Elsternwick on Thursday 8 May.
Full details of the Tarkovsky retrospective, with links to bookings at each of the cinemas, may be found here0.
The Hawthorn Lido
The Randwick Ritz
The Elsternwick Classic
Cinema Reborn has established a page to enable our supporters to make tax-deductible donations to support our work. Our organisation is run by a group of film industry professionals, working critics, curators and film conservation specialists. All work in an entirely voluntary capacity. Nevertheless there are significant costs, most notably our screening fees, which have to be met each year and we are always grateful for the financial support we receive that defrays these costs and charges. If you would like to make a donation you may do so via via the attached link established by the Australian Cultural Fund which enables small unincorporated organisations like ours to use a service which would otherwise not be easily accessible. To make a donation any time between now and the end of Cinema Reborn 2025 click on this link
Please forward this email to any friends who may be interested in our presentations of restored cinema classics. Invite them to join our mailing list by sending an email to
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