Fandor’s Criterion selection this week was
based around science-fiction. The genre was fairly loosely applied, as you’ll
see from the first film I watched. As usual, I only found time to watch a few
of the available films, but it seemed like a weaker group than usual. Of those
available, I had already seen and enjoyed Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris (1972) and Chris Marker’s short
film La Jetée (1962).
The best film I streamed from Fandor this
week was For All Mankind (Al Reinert, USA, 1989), which is an unusual
breed of documentary. The film appears to take place in chronological order,
showing a single spaceflight to the Moon, including a landing on the surface. I
didn’t realize, until Neil Armstrong showed up halfway through, that the film
is actually crafted from footage taken from all six successful Apollo landings.
We hear voiceover from many of the astronauts present on these missions, but
they are rarely if ever identified as individuals. The story the film is
telling is that mankind went to the moon, and that we achieved this together
(though this is undermined somewhat by the focus on the planting of the
American flag).
The many cameras NASA sent with each of
these missions were fortunately placed for the director. He found a collection
of artful angles amongst the footage, which lend a real beauty to the missions.
Granted, it may be impossible to find an unimpressive shot of the Earth taken
from space. There is an inherent majesty to the image. More than one group of
astronauts compare what they are seeing to Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), which made me smile.
I was underwhelmed by World on a Wire (Rainer
Werner Fassbinder, West Germany, 1973), which was originally created as a
two-part television program, running for approximately three and a half hours. Klaus
Löwitsch plays Fred Stiller, who becomes the technical director of a computer
company once his predecessor mysteriously dies. The company has created a
computer simulation of the world, filled with oblivious programs that think
they are real people. Stiller grows suspicious when people start disappearing
without a trace from the real world, and finds himself in the middle of a
corporate conspiracy.
This is less exciting than it sounds. The
sci-fi concept Fassbinder is working with is interesting by itself, but he
avoids engaging with it as much as he can, in favour of extended scenes of
people plotting in boardrooms. The only other Fassbinder film I’ve seen was Fox and His Friends (1975), and that
film showed him to have a great talent for displaying human emotion and
believable relationships. Unfortunately, World
on a Wire can’t manage to get that right either. The story is told
distantly, and later in the film when one character says, “I love you,” to
another, it doesn’t make sense, because they’ve hardly shared a scene together.
With no excitement to the sci-fi and no humanity to keep us grounded, this is a
very long three and a half hours.

I can’t discern any message or societal
fear that serves to make this film anything other than a B-grade monster movie.
There’s no fear of nuclear destruction, no racism metaphor and nothing about
the communists. It does contain marginally stronger acting and scripting than
is usually required in this sort of exercise, and it doesn’t overstay its
welcome at just 77 minutes. I must be missing something here.
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