Saturday 4 January 2020

Robynne Murphy gives ScoMo an earful - Martha Ansara asks us to take note.

Dear Friends,
Just take a look just below at our amazing director speaking her mind from the Nelligen RFS brigade on the fireground! (And please pass any of this information that you want to — the tilm is almost funded but more is needed for archival footage costs. Even in these terrible times, we need films to inspire us — WOMEN OF STEEL is one that definitely does that.)

To those I haven’t contacted yet, please click on the leaflet at the bottom of this email for more information on the WOMEN OF STEEL documemtary.  (promo:

Robynne has been on the fireground in 12 hour shifts since November 26. For the past 43 days she has been unable to do anything except fight the fires and then try to sleep and recover so she can go out and do it again. The clip from Channel 7 speaks volumes about what the RFS volunteers are going through. Communication with the South Coast is now sporadic and Robynne has almost no time to speak to us but editor Rowena Crowe and I are carrying on with the film as best we can.When you see the spirit Robynne shows in the Channel 7 clip, I hope you will understand why. That same strength animates WOMEN OF STEEL and is very much needed in a devastated country.

I know that most of you, especially those impacted directly by the fires, will have many pressing priorities at this time, Nevertheless I'm reaching out to you to give Robynne the emotional support of making just a small (additional) donation -- even a token amount would be a boost. It has always given Robynne so much happiness to see each name appear on the donations list.

Tax deductible donations  can be sent to

Martha Ansara (consulting producer)

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